Apple keypad shortcuts sheet
Apple keypad shortcuts sheet

apple keypad shortcuts sheet

If the Move tool is not active hold Command and then tap on the arrow keys, and hold shift to move 10 pixels at a time.

apple keypad shortcuts sheet

When the Move tool is active press any of the arrow keys to move 1 pixel in that direction. These Photoshop keyboard shortcuts are used mostly for moving objects or moving the screen to a different point. The Arrow & the “other” keys are found in between the “typewriter” keys and the numeric keypad. Load Channel as a selection: Option Command 3 (red), 4 (green), 5 (blue) Arrow & “Other Keys” Keyboard Shortcuts!

Apple keypad shortcuts sheet mac#

Move tool while in painting tool: hold CommandĮyedropper while in any paint tool: hold OptionĬross-Hair Cursor on any painting tool: Caps LockĬommit edits when typing: Command Return Number Pad Keyboard Shortcuts!Īlthough the number pad pictured to the right is from a Mac Keyboard, all of the Photoshop keyboard shortcuts will work for Windows as well.ĭo a combination of keys for a specific percentage. Hand tool while in another tool: Hold Spacebarįill with Background color: Command Deleteįill with Foreground color: Option Delete These are simple commands that are pretty easy to pull off, and they will certainly speed up your productivity and workflow.ĭuplicate all visible Layers: Command Shift Option E The following are 22 of my most commonly used Photoshop Keyboard shortcuts. Using This Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts GuideĪlthough the pictured keyboard above is a Windows Keyboard, all of these Photoshop keyboard shortcuts will work for macOS as well.Ĭontrol = Right-Click Must-Know Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts!

  • Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Video Tutorials.
  • Hidden shortcuts not visible in the interface.
  • Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts For CS6 and Newer.
  • apple keypad shortcuts sheet

    Other Useful Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts!.Arrow & “Other Keys” Keyboard Shortcuts!.Must-Know Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts!.Using This Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Guide.

    Apple keypad shortcuts sheet