Called me up from a payphone baby are you down down down
Called me up from a payphone baby are you down down down

called me up from a payphone baby are you down down down

Oh, for Christ's sake, son, just lie down, let them arrest you, you can sue them later. Okay, wait a minute, why are the cops shooting at him? He's clearly not one of the bank robbers. He makes a break for it with his girl-cool. Todd (VO): Okay, let's see, he's a banker and there's a robbery. Todd: Okay, one of these videos, huh? Um, well, if it's gonna drown out the actual song, I guess I'd better address it before it gets distracting. Todd: Let's see how they evoke that sadness and regret.Īdam: Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember, The people we used to be. A full-on breakup ballad, a postmortem for a failed romance. Todd (VO): Now, Maroon 5 usually release angry, pained songs about volatile relationships, but for the first time, they've released a single that takes us directly to the end of the affair. Todd (VO): His falsetto always sounded computer-generated on its own, you add in Auto-Tune and.yeesh, human vocal cords just shouldn't make that noise. Todd: I'm.I'm just never gonna like Adam Levine's vocals, and no amount of selling out's gonna fix that. God, that man's voice, he's like a frog choking on a harmonica. Woman: Hello? Adam: I'm at a payphone trying to call. So let's make a fair and honest evaluation of their newest song, "Payphone". Besides, the songs where they tried to sound tough and edgy were always terrible, so maybe they'll sound better when they actually drop the pretense. So I'm not gonna begrudge Maroon 5 for selling out too. Verizon Wireless 4G network, unlimited talk, unlimited texts. Some bands only hit their peak after they sell out. But that doesn't mean that their music can't be good. Just because they've sold out-which.they definitely sold out, there's.there's no mistake about that. At this point, they may as well just make commercial jingles for Pepsi.īut let's be fair here. And this new phase in their career reaches its culmination with their latest single, "Payphone", which comes complete with a guest rapper, of all things.

called me up from a payphone baby are you down down down

From this point on, Maroon 5 is a band whose success will only be measured by chart position and not artistic merit.


Every song on their new album has the fingerprints of a professional hit-maker on it, and along the way, they also lost keyboardist Jesse Carmichael, the only other member of the band who seemed to matter the tiniest bit. Todd: But the fact that "Jagger" did so well seems to have decided their future. and I was having, to be totally honest, some trouble producing hits, just me and the band, and I wanted to.venture outward and see what it would be like to write songs with other people. Every interview Adam Levine has given about this song indicates a man who feels zero personal connection to it and fully aware that he's sold his band's soul for cash.Īudio interview on NPR's All Things Considered Adam. a cash-in written by studio hacks-for-hire to boost the flagging sales of their third album.

called me up from a payphone baby are you down down down

Todd: I bring this up because they at least did have enough strengths to make "Moves Like Jagger" a blatant sellout track. Todd (VO): And for another, they were a versatile group that could handle a lot of different styles of genres, and they had a gift for melody, which I had wished they'd exercise more often, honestly. At their strongest, they have a certain energy and tightness that made them stand out. Todd (VO): Now personally, I believe their claims to funkiness are.overstated, let's say, but I will concede that they do have a number of songs you could reasonably describe as funk. Okay, but seriously, let's talk about their strong points because they do have at least a few good songs. Todd (VO): Well, for one.uh., Levine sure has abs. Video for "Makes Me Wonder" Adam: I wake up with blood-shot eyes Struggled to memorize But for this episode, in the interest of fairness, I feel I should talk about their positive points too. Now, you may remember our episode on "Moves Like Jagger", where we talked about Levine's band, Maroon 5, and their many, many failings as a band. moves like Jagger I've got the moves like Jagger Todd: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to our coverage of the simultaneous rise and fall of America's favorite talent show judge and part-time recording artist, Adam Levine.Ĭlip of Maroon 5 - " Moves Like Jagger" Adam.

Called me up from a payphone baby are you down down down